If you would like to support Tiree Parish Church, there are a number of ways in which you can be involved:

Prayer and Worship

God is not just found in our shared worship, but in our own prayers. We would encourage you to pray both for yourself and those you love, for our church and for the wider world. If you’ve not prayed much before, the Church of Scotland website has some advice:


Practical Help

If you’ve got some spare time and you’d like to help, it’s a great way to serve one another and to serve God. Some examples:

– reading the Bible during worship

– cleaning the church

– cutting the grass

– providing flowers

– administration

– operating and maintaining the sound system

– leading part of a service

– playing a musical instrument or singing


We can give in lots of ways, all of them valued, but some of the things the church does cost money. As well as paying for repairs and running costs for the church and manse, the congregation is responsible for paying part of the cost of having a minister on the island. The full cost of this is well in excess of £50 000 a year (that’s not want our minister gets paid!) but much of this cost is generously met by larger parishes on the mainland, and the Church of Scotland asks us for around £12 000 towards this. Over the last few years, Tiree Parish Church has spent more on day-to-day running costs than has been received as donations and we have reached the point where the reserves for this type of spending have been exhausted. While we would always seek to meet the cost of ministry from the members of the church, we’d welcome any help with making sure that we can continue to have a minister serving the island into the future. Consequently we are asking whether you would consider making a regular donation by standing order. Whether this is £2 a month or £200, it will help us to continue to serve God and the Isle of Tiree into the future. Forms are available at Heylipol Church or alternatively can be downloaded here. We can also accept donations through Paypal:

Even the smallest of contributions can make a huge difference in the day to day running of the church, and we thank you for your support.