Sermon Snippets

Welcome to Sermon Snippets – a brand new section of our website! From time to time a passage or prayer from one of our weekly church services will be featured.  The aim is to encourage the reader to spend some quiet time thinking about a particular aspect of faith. To start us off, below is a prayer written by Elsie Black:

Stay nigh me Lord Jesus

The years take their toll
Stay close to me Lord to the end
Forgive my transgressions
Replenish my soul
My Saviour, Redeemer and Friend

When the call comes for me
I shall wake at your touch
We shall both take that pathway divine
Down by the still waters, green pastures and lush,
With my old hand clasped firmly in Thine

The pathway to heaven is paved with God’s love
Doors are open for loved ones to call
Be it saint, be it sinner
Does not matter one bit
There is room in God’s Heaven for all

So I’ll walk with my Saviour
We move slowly on
My long life is nearing its end
With a prayer in each heart-beat
I’ll welcome the New
With Lord Jesus, our Saviour and Friend.